Friday, March 16, 2007

SUPER K and the gang?!

I think SUPER K have superfriends and backups because If he did all of that (including the new incident related to Maze Entrampas *hei dur Maze!*), he could be one of CEBU' s top criminals and I salute him for doing very clean jobs...SUPER K AND THE GANG are maybe scattered in diffferent sections and maybe one of them could be in YOUR section but who cares? the school year is over but the mistery remains of who is SUPER K...and the gang...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mao jud sei!!! mga NATAWAK!!!!!! propisyonal nah cla sei..... busa, ktang mga louisian, palayo mu ni SUPER K & FRIENDS!!!!! (sei, nalipay jud q... nka hbw aqng ate nya ya qng gtagaan phn para d mka hbw aqng inahan) -mAze-