Sunday, March 25, 2007

BritNeys BacK baBy!

photos from

After her controversial photos form a night out with Paris to her recent bald look, Britney is back and out of rehab (finally!). It may sound a bit crazy but I think Britney's crazy acts place her in the best position for the music industry's biggest comeback in history. What do you think?! The girl has nowhere to go but up. Her comback might be the most talk about of the century which might lead her to selling more records than ever.
So whats next for Brit?! Before she entered rehab, she was half finish recording for her upcoming album. Chances are, she will head back to the studio to complete her album. All she has to do now is go to the gym, hire the best stylist, prepare for her comeback and grow back her hair! Watch out for Brit because 2007 is Britney's year!YEY!

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